Who We Are

Hexagon Team

We’re fiercely independent.


Christie Jeung

Data Scientist

Humans are messy, and data is no different. I strive to translate the chaos into foundational concepts while also articulating nuance with care.

Brown-bearded man wearing red Hawaiian t-shirt.

Sam Johnson

Principal, Analytics

I’m constantly asking the next question — often with a childlike intensity — to break down the meaningful factors that will solve problems that every individual business faces.

Man wearing sunglasses and black blazer.

Sumeet Kanwar

Founder and (Chief) Provocateur

I help rouse people’s curiosity by connecting dots and, sometimes, connecting data. Friends and colleagues tell me that what I do more than anything else is “get people comfortable being uncomfortable.”


Jake Leto

Data Scientist

I have a passion for analyzing complex systems and characterizing phenomena at the fundamental level. I try not to take life too seriously, and spend most of my time with my cats or my bass guitar.


Shai Slotky

Data Scientist

I often come back to Jeannette Wing's definition of computational thinking: it is a way humans solve problems; it is not trying to get humans to think like computers.